Services & Coordination
“A Common Vision for Prosperity in Downtown Frederick”
- Analyze the current human services being provided, the needs of the population, and the coordination of programs
- Investigate options for providing and increasing accessibility of services
Committee Membership
Committee Chair: Betsy Day, Community Foundation of Frederick County
Coordinator: Kate Layman, Ruppert Properties
- Leslie Barnes-Keating, Frederick County Citizens Services Division
- Suzi Borg, Mental Health Association
- Peter Brehm, The Frederick Center
- Nick Brown, Religious Coalition
- Michelle Day, Frederick County Workforce Services
- Sarah Drennan, Frederick County Health Department
- Marlene England, Curious Iguana
- Arnold Farlow, Frederick Rescue Mission
- Rev. Mark Allen Groover, Asbury United Methodist Church
- Beth Heltebridle, Frederick County Public Libraries
- Ed Hinde, Student Homelessness Initiative Partnership of Frederick County
- Bob Jones, South End Coalition
- Janet Jones, Frederick Community Action Agency
- Lacy Kimble, On Our Own of Frederick County, Inc.
- Angie Liddiard, Housing Authority of the City of Frederick
- Eric Nicholson, Resident
- Chris Raymer, The Salvation Army
- Alderman Kelly Russell, City of Frederick
- Gayon Sampson, City of Frederick
- Lori Schroyer-Wells, Way Station, Inc.
- Capt. Dwight Sommers, Deputy Chief of Frederick Police

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