
Downtown Safety & Services Initiative

“A Common Vision for Prosperity in Downtown Frederick”

We’re Here to Help!

Community leaders, nonprofit organizations, human services providers, along with other stakeholders, are pleased to announce the formation of the Downtown Safety & Services Initiative, or “the Initiative,” with the goal of enhancing the continued safety and vibrancy of downtown Frederick.
Exceptional communities like Frederick don’t just “happen.” They evolve through civic engagement, respect for others, and the commitment of residents to offer a warm and inviting atmosphere for all. Let’s join together and work towards a safe, welcoming and prosperous environment for all our citizens and visitors.

Goals & Mission

The goal of the Initiative is to provide a downtown environment of:

  • Safety for all
  • Respect for the individual
  • Vibrancy for the community

To ensure that Frederick is a thriving and healthy city for all members of its population, the Initiative is focusing its efforts in the areas of safety, economic opportunity and beautification, while making sure that the most vulnerable in our community have access to the support services they need.

Organizational Structure

In response to concerns expressed by community stakeholders regarding the safety and vibrancy of downtown Frederick, the Initiative was born. It was conceived as a community initiative facilitated by the Ausherman Family Foundation to address these issues and has a strong commitment from the Mayor’s office. The Initiative has significant support from the following:

  • Human service providers
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Residents
  • Businesses
  • Faith community members
  • The Frederick Police Department
  • Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office
  • Government entities

The structure of the Initiative includes five committees, each dedicated to making Frederick a safe and compassionate place to live, work and play.

Downtown Safety & Services Initiative Final Report

We are pleased to share the Downtown Safety and Services Initiative final report with our community including accomplishments to date and recommendations moving forward with the goal of enhancing the continued safety and vibrancy of downtown Frederick. View the final report here: The Downtown Safety & Services Initiative Final Report


Interested in participating?

Continuing to enhance Frederick’s existing vibrancy and sense of safety and security doesn’t just ‘happen,’ but rather requires a sustained, dedicated and integrated approach. Frederick is a special place because we work to keep it that way.

The committees have completed so much yet there is still important work to be done. If you would like to get involved in any aspect of the Initiative, please contact us!



Environmental Design & Programming—Examine policing through environmental design and investigate park activation and programming as positive deterrents to undesirable behaviors


Services & Coordination—Analyze the current human services being provided, the needs of the population, and the coordination of programs; investigate options for providing and increasing accessibility of services


Ambassador Program—Investigate outside ambassador programs that can augment the City’s efforts in city beautification, security presence, human services outreach, and visitor hospitality

Public Messaging— Provide advice on a mechanism to better share critical community data to better inform the public about activities, crime and opportunities in Downtown Frederick and act as the public relations arm of the Initiative

Security & Enforcement—Evaluate existing law enforcement conditions and recommend legislative changes; establish a network of private and public security cameras that can be connected to the Frederick Police system

Public Meetings

The Initiative​ is hosting a series of open-door meetings for the public to learn about our progress, findings and proposals. Sign up for our email newsletter to receive these announcements and keep up to date on the Initiative’s work. We also post meeting dates and times on this website.


Stay tuned for the next public meeting date!

Send A Message

Interested in getting involved or want to share your feedback? Submit a message or sign up for the email newsletter here. We want to hear from you!

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